Strawberries time!
La primavera è stata decisamente freddina, tanta pioggia e poco sole, e l'estate tarda a farsi sentire, ma almeno le fragole ci stanno rallegrando con il loro colore stupendo e profumo inebriante! Stiamo preparando ormai da una decina di giorni confetture di fragole bio ed anche con fragoline di bosco bianche! Si, proprio bianche, una varietà che a maturazione raggiunge appena un color crema pallido e che oltre ad avere un profumo fantastico ha anche un sapore eccezionale! Le ho provate sulle crostatine di farro con fragole e crema (trovate QUI la mia ricetta!) e vi assicuro che sono irresistibili...Spring is really cold this year, rainy and with few sunny days, and summer still wait to be felt, but at least the strawberries are cheering us with their gorgeous color and scent! We are cooking in this week Strawberries Jam also with white wild strawberries! Yes, just white, a variety with a pale cream colour but with a fantastic scent and exceptional flavour! I tried it on crostatine with strawberries and cream (found here my recipe!) and I assure you that they are irresistible ...
la nostra coltivazione di fragoline in gradonata |
una profumatissima fragolina bianca |
Strawberry picking is very tiring. Luckily we don't have great quantities. We have many variety, about 200 plants, divided in early and late. When production is hight we have 8-10 kg per day.
Just collected, we go to the farm kitchen, we select them with care, wash and let dry (we taste too eheh) and then proceed to cut and cooking in a pot, simply adding brown sugar, lemon juice and pectin (jellying agent extracted from fruit and vegetables). A few minutes and the jam floods the room with a fantastic fragrance!
Vi aspettiamo qui alla Fattoria per gli assaggi con il nostro Pan Brioche !!
We are waiting for you here at the farm for the tastings with our Pan Brioche!